Refund Policy

Cancellation Prior to Shipment

If you cancel your order(s) before it ships from our warehouse, you will not be charged any additional fees. We require a cancellation request to be submitted by emailing us at [email protected]

Once the cancellation request is received, a full refund will be initiated. We would advise a cancellation request within 12 hours upon your order submission in order for a cancellation prior to goods shipment

Refund Policy

Your full refund will be issued once we have received and examined the returned goods at our return center. Once the returned goods fulfil our return policy, the full refund will be initiated. The method of refund will be processed depending on your original payment method:

  1. Online Bank Transfer, full refunds will be credited into your bank account via online bank transfer, which should be posted within 3-5 working days.
  2. Credit card refunds services, refunds will be sent to the card-issuing bank.